After a couple of minor set backs we’re proud to announce the release of Search & Filter Pro.
With a ton of new features and a new user interface, Search & Filter Pro makes it easier than ever to allow users to search for content on your WordPress site – whether this be custom post types, products, meta data/custom fields or taxonomies – the options are endless.
Find out more Demo 1 (Movies) Demo 2 (WooCommerce)
One of the things we’re most proud of with this plugin is its ease of use. Will full integration with the WordPress admin section, this plugin looks like it is a part of WordPress – and uses UI elements that you’re already familiar with – create a search form just like a widget area, but with even more customisation options.
We’ve added tooltips next to just about every field so you’ll never get lost in the information and be able to quickly understand how everything works.
Here’s a preview of the Search Form Builder:

Get in touch if you have any questions 🙂
I want to make a dynamic selection by categories . First categories, subcategories and then after product category . Is it possible that will be filtered as selected ?
Hi Pedro, this is coming out in the next version of S&F Pro (in about a week). Thanks
Mark Burgess
Have you considered adding a breadcrumbs display for showing the selected taxonomies that deliver the displayed result?
Its on the roadmap! 🙂
Mieke Gevers
Great product thank you for easing my efforts & pains :-).
have 2 questions from a new user:
1. the taxonomy list contains a lot of hierarchical data where the user can select from. As for now I’m using checkboxes which gives me a long list. Is it possible to split the hierarchy over the page width instead vertically.
Like :
List 1 list 2 list 3 list 4
list1 children list2 children list3 children list4 children
2. question: at the moment the selection list disappears when the results are visible. How can I make this selection list fixed on the top of the page that it always stay there?
Looking forward seeing your reply.
Kind Regards,
Hi Mieke – please open a ticket on our support forums:
The demo shows that it’s also possible to search/select Review Rating. I like this very much. How can I get this Review Rating (plugin)?
It is not using a rating plugin, just a meta field called “rating” – you can add this using a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields – also – this feature is only available in pro. Thanks
Could it support pre filter criterias in the form, e.g., if I sell movie and music, I can create 1 form to search movie with pre filter condition “movie category”, another form to search music with Pre filter condition “music category”. End user don’t need to choose movie or music.
Yup – for each search form you can define some hidden data – you can include/exclude tags, categories, taxonomies – and even run some meta queries on each search – all hidden from the user and available within the admin UI
do you mean if include a category, the search form will only search posts within the category only? do you have screen shot for this how to add include/exclude condition.
Thanks Ross,
please notify me if the product implements this feature, since I will be interested in it.
I’m interesting in this plugin, but my needs is to use inside wordpress admin in a meatball to search and filter custom post types created with PODS. Is this possible? I’ll be looking to purchase pro version is I can use it inside wordpress admin since my site does not have public access and all functionality runs in the administration.
Thanks and I’ll be waiting for your response!
Unfortunately this cannot be used in the admin – as it happens I’ve been thinking about this recently! Unfortunately that doesn’t mean it will be added anytime soon 🙁
Hello, I’m interested in purchasing this plug-in. I would like to use this plug-in for my project gallery. Can I set year range? for example from 1999 – to 2015 with maybe scroll down.
Is it possible to do with this plug-in?
Hi there – is the year stored as post meta/custom field? If so, you could use a range slider – if you are speaking about the post publish date this is not yet possible and will be available in v 2.0 (release end of march – april). Thanks
I was hoping I could do this with post publish year. Regards post meta /custom field, it’ll be possible to add post meta / custom field with using ‘Add Meta Tags plug-in’ or ‘Custom Field Taxonomies plug-in’ etc?
If I buy this plug-in now, can I get update to v2.0 for free when it’s released in end of March / April?
Hello, I’m still waiting to hear your answer…
ok, great, thanks that may well do all I need.
That answers my question. This search feature searches the attachment post type would work for me I think.
RE: buddypress. My main concern is privacy of members only documents in search results.
I hope that makes sense!
thanks for the prompt reply, much appreciated.
Hi Elaine
Yeah you can set the post status to search in – so you can enable/disable any of these for each search form:
Published, Pending, Draft, Future, Private – these are generic to all post types so if it uses these then you’re good to go 🙂
I am looking for a buddypress compatible search filter which will allow me to search the title and contents of pdf attachments ( with public / private group permissions) . Ideally searching the pdf itself but I can add meta info if that is the only way to do this.
Would there be this facility or some workaround with the pro plugin?
Hi Elaine
I have an update in testing (a days or so away from release) which makes it possible to search attachments – so anything you have uploaded in media – however it does not search mime types out of the box, so if you wanted to only search PDFs for example, you would need to categorise or add meta data as you say to make this info searchable. This search feature searches the attachment post type, which is basically everything in your media section of WordPress- as I mention you can filter this to show thing from specific meta data or categories for example…
I use buddypress, how do you see this integrating with that specifically? – does the above describe what you want to do, or do you want to search topics/replies with attachments?
Also, this plugin cannot search inside PDF files.
This is my site link, here is the rating under the property detail. That rating is comes from a plugin (kk star plugin), so i want that rating to be search with your pro plugin, same like as in your movies demo. So tell me is it possible to do or not with pro version.
I need to confirm one thing in pro version that rating filter search is possible to do or not as i want to purchase this plugin, but my major requirement is rating filter. So kindly provide me the relevant information regarding my requirement.
Hey Param, what do you mean by rating filter, like on the movie demo?
How are you storing your ratings?
I see in the demo as well:
I would like this:
Is it possible?
Unfortunately not (you mean the URL?)
is possible to work with friendly url? SEO
Hey Beto, if you use the non ajax version all your search terms appear in the URL, so it SEO friendly. If this is not what you mean please let me know – best to make sure the plugin does exactly what you want first 🙂
“Licenses are valid one year from the date of purchase…”
If we buy a single site license, do we have to pay license fee every year?
Hey Spaceknight, the license provides you with updates and support for a year. After this year has expired, you may continue to use the plugin without updates or support as long as you like! This is quite standard practice for a lot of pro plugins out there 🙂
my client bought the pro version on 26th August. I’ve been using it in dev and something went wrong with it, suddenly the admin page for it was returning a 404 page. Decided to delete and reinstall, I realise that i have cleared my downloads folder from when I first downloaded it, now I click the download email in the link he sent and it has expired.
Where can I download another copy please? This is urgent as site needs to go live on Monday!
I can send you the details from the order confirmation email if needed.
Hey Jon
Please send an email with the purchase info via our contact form ( and I’ll get a new link out to the purchasers email address.
Hi Ross,
email sent on the contact form.
I am working on a website with Woocommerce and I have to filter products (scaffolding) with specific characteristics as floor height, work height etc.
With this plugin, can we had custom field to filter scaffoldings from a specific height to an another ? Or by using a dragging bar ?
Hey Tony, sure like a price slider? But with the height? This can be done if the height info is stored as a custom field / post meta
1. Does the field meta selector enables to use custom field search?
2. We would need to perform ajax realtime filtering over advanced search:
– select between custom post types [check boxes, AND]
– categories selector [each CPT has its own taxonomy, would be great if conditional]
– custom field value [dropdown select]
3. our custom field to search is written by our CF editor in a strange way [a:1:{i:0;s:3:”uno”;}], do you think that we can override this options/values with your plugin?
Best regards
Hey youhost – to answer:
1) yes
2) yes to all, but not conditional yet – so it won’t show only terms for the post types selected
3) no – but the plugin can search in this type of data (serialised) – however searches using serialised data are slow and innacurate.
What is the difference between licenses? Simply single url vs infinite urls with the developer version?
Yup thats it for now 🙂 I may look at this again and bring in another tier at a later date.
PS auto update via AJAX will be included in the next couple of hours just testing 😉