After a couple of minor set backs we’re proud to announce the release of Search & Filter Pro.
With a ton of new features and a new user interface, Search & Filter Pro makes it easier than ever to allow users to search for content on your WordPress site – whether this be custom post types, products, meta data/custom fields or taxonomies – the options are endless.
Find out more Demo 1 (Movies) Demo 2 (WooCommerce)
One of the things we’re most proud of with this plugin is its ease of use. Will full integration with the WordPress admin section, this plugin looks like it is a part of WordPress – and uses UI elements that you’re already familiar with – create a search form just like a widget area, but with even more customisation options.
We’ve added tooltips next to just about every field so you’ll never get lost in the information and be able to quickly understand how everything works.
Here’s a preview of the Search Form Builder:

Get in touch if you have any questions 🙂
I installed search and filter pro and when I trying to use it is not working properly. Like for example is i use a search field to search a for a certain post in the posts i have it just return every posts i have.
Hi there, please open a ticket on support –
Krishna Kumar Choubey
I want to know is this possible with your search filter if I select brand from taxonomy then it will so only those modal taxonomies that is related to that particular brand. That mean if I select Samsung then it will show modals related to Samsung not other modals related to other brands. I have created three taxonomies Brand, Modal, Series. Please tell how it is possible. If yes then I will purchase this.
Yup, check our movie reviews demo – – change genre and watch the certificate field update – they are both regular taxonomies 🙂
hi, I want to buy the pro version of your product, but first i want to know if this version cover my case below:
am use wplms theme and i added ACF plugin to add new field into course page, like location , country
now i want to create search module and the ACF fields are search filters, i used search & filter and once i choose the the acf field nothing appears from search, dose search & filter pro version cover my case???
Yup it should, free doesn’t support custom fields, whearas pro does. Just to note, we do not support all the field types in ACF. We support all the basic field types, relationship fields but NOT repeater fields. Hope that helps
Floor for Design
Floor for Design
I have two Presale questions.
Are the results that are displayed when using the filter options, loaded in the standard archive page style (so the default lay-out of the theme is used), or are the results loaded in a ‘results’ page that needs to be setup. If the latter, what options in terms of styling the results (masonary lay-out, number of columns, etc. are available?
Are the results loaded when the filter is selected (Ajax) or when the filter-button is clicked. In the free version the Ajax loading manner is not working. I see on the demo it does load in a Ajax-style but I was wondering if the answer on the first question is yes (so the archive pages are used)
Thanks in advance..
Hi there
1) S&F offers both, so you can use an archive-style page setup, or you can choose to have your results displayed using a shortcode. If you choose the latter, then you have a template file you can modify, and you get access to the loop of the query, so provided you can build WP templates you have freedom to whatever you like
2) Yes and yes 😉 These are options in S&F pro. So you can enabled ajax as one option. Then a separate option is “auto submit”, which a allows you to choose whether the search form is submitted (with or without ajax) when any field is updated, or when a user presses the submit button.
Hope that helps
John McKinney
Hi, I’m interested in purchasing the Pro version of the plugin. Can you tell me how straightforward it is to style the fields using CSS? Also, is there a list of example websites available that use the plugin?
I’m going to be using a theme such as Enfold from Themeforrest. I know you can’t give any definitive answers but is it likely the plugin would work with a standard Themeforrest theme?
Hey John S&F should work with most themes – just be warned that you cannot create a results page using the layout builders provide by many themes (I’m not sure if enfold has one, but there are many themeforest themes using plugins like visual composer, which do not integrate with S&F) – if you know a little about making a WP template, then you should have no issue with the plugin.
RE CSS – S&F automatically adds a ton of classes to the various fields it creates, so if you know how to use selectors, then applying CSS is straighforward – there is not much flexibility at this stage to add in your own classes, unless you want to use a WP filter (we have some for this).
Can this plugin search and apply dropdown category filters and return media files?
For example could a user select from a list of categories in a dropdown labeled Newsletters and another dropdown labeled Year. When the user clicks Search the results would display all of the Newsletters from that year in PDF form.
I’m afraid the plugin can’t generate PDFs, you can create pages with search results, and links which link through to the individual results. You would have to look at a plugin which can convert pages to PDFs for your users on the front end for that.
3 questions.
1: where do I buy the plugin? 😀
2: Does it “only” create vertical sidebars? I’m looking for a few dropdowns running from left to right. Would that be possible?
3: Do you offer any documentation about the shortcodes? How to actually set it up? I downloaded the free version, but the never got it working. Got stuck on the shortcodes.
Hey 🙂 To answer:
1) – on the right is an “add to cart”
2) Yes this is possible with a little CSS
3) More info can be found on that page – or you can check the docs to see:
Hi, I’m thinking about Pro version of this plug, but I need to know one thing first… If I will have filter in my template page (archive-[slug].php)… how can I set up that results will be shown on that same page using Ajax – without redirecting to other page? Is that possible? and the same… if there will be no result – is possible to show the same page with “No result text” and with filter module?
S&F will redirect to a search page always when using the search form.
However, with the proper configuration, you can load the results with ajax, so the URL will change, but there won’t be a page refresh.
Same applies to the no result message.
Hello Ross, thank you for answer…
so if I understand well there is possible to use filter on current archive page and with using Ajax the template will stay same – as archive page… sorry maybe I´m not clear…
Do you have any demo or website where is this working? – S&F in archive template (not in sidebar) and using Ajax?
Ajax configuration is abble only in PRO version am I right?
Sorry for many questions, but I have tried many plugins, but didn´t find the right one – this looks like the best, but I want to be sure it will works as I need.
Thank you!
In connection with my earlier question about search results sort order, the price values are stored as “8.9,” “9,” 12.3,” etc. I want to make sure it will handle and sort based on this.
You can order meta values numerically so this shouldn’t be a problem
I am interested in the Pro Plugin, I have but a ton of plugins and they never quite do what I expected. So a couple of questions.
I am using Genesis framework, AgentPress theme. I am set up to run an initial search using the AgentPress Listings search form, which gives me a search results page. The archive page returns the results in a certain format and orders the results by price (ascending order). I have your free version on that archive page.
Your free version works well, except that when I filter using your free plugin it returns the filtered results in a different order. I would like the filtered results to return in order based on lowest to highest price. Does the paid version allow me, as the admin, to set this order? Or does it require the user to set the order?
In Pro you may choose the default sort order as well as optionally allowing a user to change this.
Hello! first i want to tell you that the plugin is great!
Well, lets go to the trouble:
I created custom taxonomies in my function.php file:
function taxonomias_propias() {
register_taxonomy(‘rubro’, ‘post’, array(
‘hierarchical’ => false, ‘label’ => ‘Rubro’,
‘query_var’ => true, ‘rewrite’ => true));
register_taxonomy(‘pais’, ‘post’, array(
‘hierarchical’ => false, ‘label’ => ‘Pais’,
‘query_var’ => true, ‘rewrite’ => true));
register_taxonomy(‘ciudad’, ‘post’, array(
‘hierarchical’ => false, ‘label’ => ‘Ciudad’,
‘query_var’ => true, ‘rewrite’ => true));
add_action(‘init’, ‘taxonomias_propias’, 0);
I don’t know if this code is right, but i can see and edit this custom taxonomies in the dashboard.
Here the issue:
When i put the shortcode to show 3 different select inputs -one for each taxonomies- it only works in the first taxonomy. I mean, the plugin show the 3 select inputs, but only in the first input show me the list correctly.
If i change the order and put “pais” for “rubro”, it only show me the pais’s list, but rubro’s list disapear.
I have tried to put:
[searchandfilter fields=”rubro,pais,ciudad” submit_label=”BUSCAR” headings=”Rubro,País,Ciudad”]
, and nothing, even if i put:
[searchandfilter taxonomies=”rubro,pais,ciudad” submit_label=”BUSCAR” headings=”Rubro,País,Ciudad”]
it doesnt work.
What can i do to show all of the lists correctly?
I dont know if is important, but i’m using a theme with a visual composer, but it acept shortcodes
Thanks, if you are using pro please open a support ticket here –
I like to purchase this plugin, but accidently put the wrong product(license) in my shopping cart.
The option to remove it doesnt seem to work, is this a known bug? using the latest version of Chrome.
Not as far as I’m aware – you can try clearing your cache, or use private browsing mode / another browser and you should be good to go.
I’ll take a look into this though, thanks for letting me know.
I want to buy the pro version of your product. I use WordPressMU as I distribute different apps across multiple sub-domains to speed loading and lessen memory requirements. I checked the WordPress downloads to be sure that it would work with WordPressMU and it said untested. Will your new version work with MU? Sorry to ask here but I could not find another way to contact you.
Sure the current version of S&F does work with WP 4.3 – haven’t got round to updating the plugin repo just yet – there are a couple of tweaks I want to do at the same time.
Spencer Heckathorn
Where can I report a bug? The shortcode is not working on my site I thought it was a plugin or another problem but I have tried disabling all of the plugins and still it doesn’t work, however shortcode from other plugins does work. Also this is a multi-site would that possibly be the problem?
Over on support – – if you don’t remember your login details just do a lost password request with the email address you used for purchasing. Thanks