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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Woocommerce price field

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  • Aziz Bokazini

    Hi there,

    I am unable to find how to select a price field. I would like to add a price field as a range slider to the search form.

    Can you please tell me how to do this?

    Thanks in advance

    Trevor Moderator

    WooCommerce stores the prices in a custom field (Post Meta). See this screenshot:

    Add that, make sure you select a Number display, and in the Meta Key selection, find the field for price (I think it is called _price). Be aware that any product that does not have a price at all will be missing from the results.

    Aziz Bokazini

    Hi there,

    Thanks a lot for this info, that really helped. I do have 2 more questions.

    1: Is it possible to create a dropdown menu for Woocommerce categories? I can’t find the meta key for it.

    2: Is it possible to create a radio buttons for Woocommerce tags? I can’t find the meta key for it.

    3: I am using the plugin Marketplace and I want to know if it’s possible to filter true Vendors. This plugin allows me to create vendors on my website, and I want to be able to apply a filter and I want the outcome (output) to be the vendors. I hope you understand what I mean, it is really hard for me to explain. The plugin link is:

    Thanks a lot for you help!

    Kind regards,

    Aziz Bokazini


    I also want to add a custom taxonomy that I created. But I can’t find this taxonomy in “Start Meta Key”. Am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks a lot in advance

    Trevor Moderator


    Product Category and Tags are Taxonomies, not Post Meta. If you want to do range or number searches, you need to make a Custom Field. I use the free ACF plugin to do this (be aware that the meta key name appears twice in the list, so use the one without the preceding underscore).

    It depends where that plugin stores the vendor detail. If it uses a custom table in the database, we cannot access it. I would hope it is in a custom field (meta key).

    Aziz Bokazini

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks a lot for the quick reply. You are totally right, I didn’t see the taxonomy option there.

    I am afraid the vendor plugin uses a custom table in the database, not 100% sure. I can’t find any taxonomy or field with the name of the vendor.

    Does this means it is impossible to get this done? Or is there a workaround to get this done?

    Thank you for your time.

    Trevor Moderator

    If, when you are editing a product, look for the Vendor field and right mouse click on it and ‘Inspect’ it. If you look at the HTML, it should tell you what the name of the field is. Is it adding the vendors as users in the site?

    There is no workaround for this if that plugin is not storing the vendor data for each product in the Post Meta table, and each Vendor record in the Posts table.

    Aziz Bokazini

    Hi Trevor,

    Thank you. I think you are right. A vendor is a user, but the vendor name (shop name) is a field within the user page.

    Here is the screenshot what I see when I inspect the Vendor field:

    Here is a screenshot of the shop name field in the user account:

    Thanks a lot in advance

    Trevor Moderator

    If you can see the ‘vendors’ in the users page, then it is indeed using the users table, which is not one that we index or can search.

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