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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom Archive page results not change

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 12 total)
  • Rob Abrahams


    I have setup a filter for my custom post type. I have also a custom page, where the results should be seen. But when I filter, the URL change correctly somthing like

    Display results method: As an archive
    Template Options: Use a custom template for results check
    Enter the filename of the custom template: achrive-my_page.php
    Set a slug:

    I know why it’s not working. I found in the documentation: When using the archive method Search & Filter uses the pre_get_posts action to modify the The Loop with your search parameters (The Loop basically is the query that fetches all your posts)

    I need to add pre_get_posts, I think. But how? Who can help me please?

    My code:
    if ( have_posts() ) :
    while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
    // Show mesures
    <div class=”vc_col-sm-4 wpb_column vc_column_container”>
    <div class=”vc_column-inner”>
    <h3><span><?php the_title(); ?></span></h3>

    else :
    echo wpautop( ‘Sorry, no posts were found’ );

    Trevor Moderator


    Am I able to see this problem on a live page (URL)? If so, give me a sample search to do as well.

    Rob Abrahams
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rob Abrahams

    I found the problem. When i refresh the page, it works. How solve this problem without reloading the page?

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you using Ajax to refresh the results? Or, are you using Visual Composer?

    Rob Abrahams

    No, I don’t use Ajax to refresh the results. No, i don’t use Visual Composer on that page.

    Have someone a example how I refresh my results with Ajax?


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rob Abrahams
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rob Abrahams
    This reply has been marked as private.
Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 12 total)

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