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Search by custom fields, post meta, taxonomies, tags, categories, authors, post types, post dates and more – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin with Ajax!

Demo 1 (Movies) Demo 2 (WooCommerce)

It allows you to Search & Filter your posts / custom posts / products by any number of parameters allowing your users to easily find what they are looking for on your site, whether it be a blog post, a product in an online shop and more.

WordPress meta data and taxonomy filters

Users can filter by Categories, Tags, Taxonomies, Custom Fields, Post Meta, Post Dates, Post Types and Authors, or any combination of these easily.

Use for blogs, reviews sites, news sites, property sites and more.

Great for searching in your online shop, tested with: WooCommerce (+product attributes), WP eCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

Screenshots of Search & Filter admin section and when used in different themes (2013 and WooCommerce) – click to open full size images.

[metaslider id=688]


Features List

  1. Create forms to search your posts, products, or any other custom post types in your site
  2. Add WordPress meta data and taxonomy filters to your site
  3. Drag and drop interface – makes building and editing forms so much easier
  4. Use AJAX to display results! No page refreshes. Also power your pagination with Ajax
  5. Auto Count / Dynamic Count – dynamically update the count values in the search forms as a user is searching to reflect the correct number of terms for the current search.
  6. Modifies the main query, so displaying your results is easy
  7. Create as many different search forms as you like, and as many results pages as you like
  8. Display anywhere in your pages or themes using widgets or shortcodes
  9. Include or exclude tags, categories and taxonomies from your search results
  10. Available Fields:
    • Search
      • add a search input field to your forms to allow users to enter text – uses the same functionality as you current search box – this may be the default search behaviour or enhanced behaviour from other plugins such as Relevanssi
      • Live Update – with Ajax enabled, your search results will auto update whilst typing
    • Tag, Category, Taxonomy – allow users to filter by any combination of these
      • input types: dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen
      • options: hierarchical, hide empty terms, display count, exclude terms by ID
      • order terms by: ID, name, slug, count, term group
      • search logic: all terms must be included (AND), or any of the terms must be included (OR)
    • Post Type
      • input types: dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen
    • Post Date
      • input types: single date, date range
      • jQuery Date Picker
      • Choose if the picker has a dropdown for months/years
      • Date display formats: “dd/mm/yyyy”, “mm/dd/yyyy” and “yyyy/mm/dd”
    • Post Meta – allow users to search custom fields/meta data
      •  allow users to select between number ranges, date picker and choice fields
      • input types:
        • number: range slider, range number, range radio buttons
        • choice: dropdown, radio, checkbox, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen 
        • date: jQuery date picker, single date or two two date pickers to select a date range – supports dates saved in the database in the format YYYYMMDD or as a timestamp
    • Author
      • input types: dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen 
      • options: hide authors with no posts, display count, exclude admins, use full names
      • order authors by: ID, name, email, url, registred date, login, post count
    • Sort Order – a field to allow users to sort results by various parameters including meta data
      • Options: sort results by ID, author, title, name, date, date modified, parent ID, random, comment count and menu order
      • Meta Data: this can include by popularity, price, or anything else you use your meta fields for as numerically or you can sort your meta data alphabetically.
      • Choose whether sorting is ASC or DESC – both are optional.
      • Custom labels for all options – completely customise text that is displayed in the dropdown
  11. Frontend UI elements – jQuery date picker, range sliders and comboboxes from Chosen.
  12. Use custom templates for your search results.
  13. I18n ready – translations are planned
  14. Works with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin – allows you to search with dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons and multiselect even where the meta value is serialized.  Essentially, if you are using any of the Basic fields (not text area) or Choice fields then you can filter these in Search & Filter Pro.  Date Picker is now also supported provided the date is stored as “yymmdd” as the save option with ACF.
  15. Integrated with WooCommerce – use directly on your shop page, search Product Attributes and Meta across regular products and product variations 🙂
  16. Works with WP eCommerce
  17. Works with Easy Digital Downloads
  18. Works with WPML
  19. Dedicated Support Forum
  20. 1 Year of Support and Upgrades



Head over to the docs which covers how to use Search & Filter Pro.  We’re working on adding more info and video tutorials soon.

Get started with the docs



We provide support between Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5.30pm GMT but if we’re online outside of those hours don’t be surprised to get a reply from us.

Support is provided through our support forums using the login details you supplied when purchasing the plugin:

Head to the support forums


Ratings & Reviews

Read the Reviews for Search & Filter Pro
Read the Reviews for our free plugin



958 Responses to “Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin”

  1. Elijah

    One more set of questions:

    1. On the demo: it seems that the search options can be placed only on a sidebar. Can they be embedded on the actual page?

    2. On the demo even when nothing is specified there are some results displayed. Please let me know of the following is doable:
    a) NOT to display any results unless the search is initiated (here is the example:
    b) let’s say I’ve checked 2 categories in the search . Will it be possible NOT to display anything when those categories are unchecked after that?

    3. Can I display items belonging to specific tags without displaying the results for categories they belong to ?

    Thank you.

    • Ross

      For 1 & 2 – these are possible with some custom work but not an option in the pluign.

      RE 3 – tags don’t belong to categories, so I’m not sure I follow?

  2. Elijah

    Another presales question.
    – Will it be able to handle ajax queries that should return 1000 results?
    – When results are returned (those will be portfolio items) – is it possible to open it in new window when clicking on the item in search result?
    – Will I have a control over how many items are displayed before the pagination kicks in?

    Thank you.

  3. webdesign15

    Does the plugin have the ability to search across more than 1 field? In the demo, if I want to find the movie Citizen Cane, and I type in the last name of the director, Welles , the movie doesn’t come up. Is this possible?

  4. Im interested in purchasing this plugin if only I could get it to work in our website as it seems to be just what we need.

    Shortcode added to the following page :

    [searchandfilter taxonomies=”search,product_cat,product_tag,portfolio-categories”]

    but we get the following error :

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/moranswo/public_html/ in /home/moranswo/public_html/ on line 1207

    I also wanted to know if there were any formatted style sheets available for the plugins search results ?

    Looking for accompanying thumbnail image next to results ?

    • Ross

      Hi Jason

      The headers warning is likely because of a PHP error or warning in your environment, which prevents the redirect from occurring.

      Rr the styling, you can use a template from your theme or there is a basic template which you have to customise provided.


  5. Darren

    Hi, I just have a presales question… I’m looking at setting up the following search: “Name (custom post type title)” OR “Day (drop down for days of the week for a total month)” & “Time (drop down for time slots every 30 minutes eg. 9am, 9.30am, 10am, 10.30am etc. )”.

    Is this something achievable with you plugin?

    • Ross

      Hmmm you could achieve something similar but not exactly as you describe, check out the available field types and how they work for a better idea. Thanks

  6. I have a couple of question before purchasing the pro version.

    I have several WP sites and most of them use the search feature, do I need the developer license right?

    Can I hide the submit button when using the plugin as a filter?


    • Ross

      Pagination needs to be in the results container for now but looking to change that in the future

  7. Elijah

    Question about Pro version – the description says it works with WPML Does that mean that it will display the search terms only specific to the language that is being displayed on the site? For example:
    1. If the site is on english then the search form will display rnglish categories and tags on search field options.
    2. If the site is on russian, then in the search field it will display categories and tags on russian.

    Thank you.

  8. Hi

    How does the search and filter work with mass amounts of data e,g, over 4000 products and over 10-15 attributes, 40 categories?, i have used WooCommerce Layered Nav which comes with WooCommerce and it can not handle that amount of data.


    • Ross

      I’m afraid if you want a drill down effect where all the filters are updating based on current selections then S&F likely won’t be able to support that amount either (I’m working on something that can handle a lot more posts). We actually have a caching system in place which allows S&F to handle a lot more posts than most competitors, however the testing I have done is with 2000 posts and roughly 25 different options in total. Thanks

  9. Hi like the look of this search bar. Can it be included as a menu item? I want it in the top right of my site and the theme I use that space is occupied by a menu, not a widget


    • Ross

      Hey there, unfortunately its not a menu item, however if you know how, you could edit a template file in your theme and add in a shortcode for it to display 🙂

      • Thank you – I’m going to do exactly that!

        I’m using EDD and upon trying the search & filter plug in I can happily filter by category but it doesn’t seem to search by the EDD download tag?

        If I select download tag as a field it will search within the specific tag and bring up the relevant results – but doesn’t find the results with the associated tag if search just in category for example. Any ideas?

          • Hi Ross

            I need to check a couple of things before I buy the Pro plugin.

            I am using EDD – can I have a search bar on its own that will search within the EDD downloads and find by tags for example?

            And would this search also be able to search for shop names which will have been entered by users when they register?

            Could I then build an “advanced search” where users can select where they are searching such as a specific category like “templates” or “fonts” or “shop name”. Again with the ability to find tags as entered when a download is added to the site?

            Thanks for your help

            • Ross

              Hey Adam

              S&F doesn’t allow searching tag names from the search box natively – but combined with Relevanssi you can achieve this. See here.

              The rest is all completely doable – so provided you install Relevanssi, thats yes to all your questions.


  10. JP

    Hi. Are the demos updated to 2.0 yet? This would be great. I actually bought PRO 2 days ago, and it would be great to see examples and it would help as a visual for my usage.


    • Ross

      Yup both demos have been updated, really the main new visible feature is the auto count option, where you see the numbers in brackets `drama (20)` changes as you use the filters and make selections. Thanks

  11. Otmar100

    m tryng to buy your plugin but there are a problem in your website …
    i’m waiting for answer

    • Ross

      We should be back up and running in a few minutes – some issues with our SSL certificate not being auto renewed! :@ …fortunately our payment systems lie with 3rd parties

  12. Andre

    Hey there, I´m considering the Pro version, I’m developing my wesite offline through wamp server. My question is, I install the plugin on my wordpress locally, will the plugin (1 site license) work when I transfer my site to an online state on as hosting company? Thanks in advance.

  13. Martin Babinec

    I’ve just bought the pro version of your plugin. You write that it has ACF support but it doesn’t work for me. I have an ACF field of select type. I can choose it in your plugin in the Post Meta field as Choice type but after that filter in frontend has no items. I tried to add the exactly same choices to the Options but it wasn’t worth. I tried to fill options via “Auto suggest”, it found the right ACF meta post option but in frontend it shows only the key of the choosen meta post option only, no values.

    What am I doing wrong??

  14. Hi Ross,
    we are considering the pro version of this plugin for a client.
    Would it be possible to to adjust this plugin to search within the existing category? In other words If I visit “My Category” can we make for the “My Category” in the category dropdown to be selected automatically?

    I’ve seen that works somewhat similarly in the WooCommerce example when you click on a product it remembers the filter. But when you go in the category it resets.


    • Ross

      Hi there, the online demo is actually using outdated S&F – the new 2.0 has this feature – it will detect defaults from the current archive, and preselect the correct options in the search form 🙂

    • Ross

      Pagination works with ajax, but there is no “infinite” scroll option just yet – I’m working on this 🙂



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