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Search by custom fields, post meta, taxonomies, tags, categories, authors, post types, post dates and more – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin with Ajax!

Demo 1 (Movies) Demo 2 (WooCommerce)

It allows you to Search & Filter your posts / custom posts / products by any number of parameters allowing your users to easily find what they are looking for on your site, whether it be a blog post, a product in an online shop and more.

WordPress meta data and taxonomy filters

Users can filter by Categories, Tags, Taxonomies, Custom Fields, Post Meta, Post Dates, Post Types and Authors, or any combination of these easily.

Use for blogs, reviews sites, news sites, property sites and more.

Great for searching in your online shop, tested with: WooCommerce (+product attributes), WP eCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

Screenshots of Search & Filter admin section and when used in different themes (2013 and WooCommerce) – click to open full size images.

[metaslider id=688]


Features List

  1. Create forms to search your posts, products, or any other custom post types in your site
  2. Add WordPress meta data and taxonomy filters to your site
  3. Drag and drop interface – makes building and editing forms so much easier
  4. Use AJAX to display results! No page refreshes. Also power your pagination with Ajax
  5. Auto Count / Dynamic Count – dynamically update the count values in the search forms as a user is searching to reflect the correct number of terms for the current search.
  6. Modifies the main query, so displaying your results is easy
  7. Create as many different search forms as you like, and as many results pages as you like
  8. Display anywhere in your pages or themes using widgets or shortcodes
  9. Include or exclude tags, categories and taxonomies from your search results
  10. Available Fields:
    • Search
      • add a search input field to your forms to allow users to enter text – uses the same functionality as you current search box – this may be the default search behaviour or enhanced behaviour from other plugins such as Relevanssi
      • Live Update – with Ajax enabled, your search results will auto update whilst typing
    • Tag, Category, Taxonomy – allow users to filter by any combination of these
      • input types: dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen
      • options: hierarchical, hide empty terms, display count, exclude terms by ID
      • order terms by: ID, name, slug, count, term group
      • search logic: all terms must be included (AND), or any of the terms must be included (OR)
    • Post Type
      • input types: dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen
    • Post Date
      • input types: single date, date range
      • jQuery Date Picker
      • Choose if the picker has a dropdown for months/years
      • Date display formats: “dd/mm/yyyy”, “mm/dd/yyyy” and “yyyy/mm/dd”
    • Post Meta – allow users to search custom fields/meta data
      •  allow users to select between number ranges, date picker and choice fields
      • input types:
        • number: range slider, range number, range radio buttons
        • choice: dropdown, radio, checkbox, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen 
        • date: jQuery date picker, single date or two two date pickers to select a date range – supports dates saved in the database in the format YYYYMMDD or as a timestamp
    • Author
      • input types: dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen 
      • options: hide authors with no posts, display count, exclude admins, use full names
      • order authors by: ID, name, email, url, registred date, login, post count
    • Sort Order – a field to allow users to sort results by various parameters including meta data
      • Options: sort results by ID, author, title, name, date, date modified, parent ID, random, comment count and menu order
      • Meta Data: this can include by popularity, price, or anything else you use your meta fields for as numerically or you can sort your meta data alphabetically.
      • Choose whether sorting is ASC or DESC – both are optional.
      • Custom labels for all options – completely customise text that is displayed in the dropdown
  11. Frontend UI elements – jQuery date picker, range sliders and comboboxes from Chosen.
  12. Use custom templates for your search results.
  13. I18n ready – translations are planned
  14. Works with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin – allows you to search with dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons and multiselect even where the meta value is serialized.  Essentially, if you are using any of the Basic fields (not text area) or Choice fields then you can filter these in Search & Filter Pro.  Date Picker is now also supported provided the date is stored as “yymmdd” as the save option with ACF.
  15. Integrated with WooCommerce – use directly on your shop page, search Product Attributes and Meta across regular products and product variations 🙂
  16. Works with WP eCommerce
  17. Works with Easy Digital Downloads
  18. Works with WPML
  19. Dedicated Support Forum
  20. 1 Year of Support and Upgrades



Head over to the docs which covers how to use Search & Filter Pro.  We’re working on adding more info and video tutorials soon.

Get started with the docs



We provide support between Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5.30pm GMT but if we’re online outside of those hours don’t be surprised to get a reply from us.

Support is provided through our support forums using the login details you supplied when purchasing the plugin:

Head to the support forums


Ratings & Reviews

Read the Reviews for Search & Filter Pro
Read the Reviews for our free plugin



958 Responses to “Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin”

  1. Jeroen van Deudekom

    U can delete both comments, i figured it out;)!
    Amazing plugin.

    Only 1 question, how can i override the results.php file?

  2. David Lee

    Hi – I just downloaded the Pro version. I created a search form and pasted the form’s shortcode [searchandfilter id=”182″] into a post, but nothing appears in the preview. I also selected the form as a widget in the sidebar for posts. Again, nothing appeared (except the title). Any idea what I’m doing wrong? TIA.

      • David Lee

        Ignore previous issues – resolved – but I have a new one I can’t figure out.

        I created a form, set it to shortcode, created a results page, and it all worked fine.

        Then I had to change the form, so I created a new one and deleted the old one (and emptied the bin) and deployed the new form to the widget.

        The new form shows up fine on the front end of the page – all the categories are there and the submit button returns a search. But when I try to edit a page that previously had the old form on, or create a new page, the old form is still there. So I can’t fill the new form with values.

        I’ve tried opening everything in a different browser, so it’s not a caching issue.

        Any idea what’s going on, and how I can fix it?

  3. How do I get the shortcode to sit in a permanent sidebar? I’m wanting to set up a sidebar filter for posts (by category and tag) and have the sidebar remain in place when the search list appears and when the user clicks on a post to view it. That seems to work fine on your demo (the Woocommerce one with the teeshirts) but I’m not able to reproduce it. Probably missing something simple.

    Also, is it possible to get the list to reconfigure without the user pressing the submit button?


  4. Francesca

    Hi, just a pre-sale information. I’ve installed the free version on a multilanguage website. It seem to have trouble using Explorer: the browser crashes! What about browser compatibility? Does pro version fix it? Can you help me? Thanks

    • Ross

      Hi Francesca

      I’ve no idea why that would occur, all S&F does is spit out a few html elements on the page – even the free version does not load any javascript.

      Anyway, I’ve heard no reports of such behaviour in the Pro version so I think its safe to assume its not an issue there.


      • Francesca

        Thank you, Ross. No problem on Mac and Win with all browsers, no problem on mobile too but during debugging before the deploy my client had trouble on IE. So I’ve thought to buy the pro version but I’d need to be sure about browser compatibility before buying. So in your opinion there should be no problem. Thanks.

  5. Hi
    A pre-sales Q.

    I have a website with 50 exercise programs for our patients
    On the landingpage there is a list of all exercises with links to each exercise program,
    with each program on a separate webpage.

    Most patients have 3 programs they should do .

    I wonder if there is a way for the patient to “select” the 3 programs from the list on the landingpage, and then they ONLY be shown those 3 programs (pre selected) everytime they acees the webpage (normaly each day)

    This so they dont need to search thru the list each time


    • Ross

      Hi John that would be possible but would require some custom work. Either you would need to store the users search in a cookie or transient.

      When they return you would then need to display the correct search results based on these values – its possible, but not within the UI of this plugin.

      • John

        Hi Ross!
        Thx for your answer… would your team be able to do this custome work for a fee?
        / John
        ps/ what does UI stand for?

  6. Hi Ross

    Quick pre-sales question: I’m interested in a pro license for a single site, but I’ll be developing on a separate dev server and then moving over to a live server for launch.

    Will the single-site license suffice or do I need to purchase the dev license?

    Thanks in advance,


  7. Daniel

    It’a a nice search and filter plugin. Can be used to search only on one category or must have all the categories listed as dropdown, radio buttons, etc? Example: I have 5 pages (each page has a different category) and I need a simple search engine for each one. If I search in the category one I want results only from that category without having to choose from a list. I need just a text field and search button. Is possible? Thank you!

    • Ross

      Yup you can create search forms that search only within specified categories, so you can setup a search form for each page, and choose which category the results belong to – you don’t even need to add a category field to the search form 🙂

  8. Carplu


    I have a question about the search filter pro plugin.

    I am building a site that i want to show content for certain categories in certain cities… so product A is available in City B and Category A … so when a user selects in search for City: B and Category: A and hits search product A has to show.

    I created a setup with custom post types each containing cities and categories… i tested with Ultimate WP Query Search Filter and that works…

    I want to show the search and filter at top of page and of course responsive and would prefer a plugin that is paid and kept up to date with wp developments. (also using woocommerce on the site)

    Is your plugin a good fit and can it do what i want?

    In fact i want to achieve something like this: … when selected a city you get the categories for that city which can be filtered…

    Can this be done with the plugin? And if you what would be best setup in wordpress? custom post types for cities with categories as taxonomies… or??

    Thanks for taking time to read this and hopefully answer it 😉

    Cheers Carplu

    • Ross

      To answer you questions, yes you can achieve that effect. Please see here on how it is implemented in S&F –

      Change the certificate and watch the Genres list update automatically.

      To achieve what you have sent in that link will also be possible, but it looks like a lot of customisation to get it setup that way. Refer to the demos for referencing functionality.


  9. Elisa

    I’ve a pre-sale question: I need to make a section on my website with products made by my company (like an e-commerce but without the ability to buy) and your plugin seems perfect to run multiple filters so that users can search their perfect product.
    BUT I need also an input field where users can search a product by writing its code, some kind of a normal search form that will be searching only by products’ codes (I was thinking to use ACF’s text box/number box to write this code in the WordPress panel control). Is it possible with your plugin?
    Thanks in advance!

  10. Hello,

    how to order results with the same criteria as I mark in Posts Tab?
    Something is wrong and resultars after filtering are not working fine,

    Advanced tb in taxonomy options are not working


  11. Another presale questions. Could you tell me if the ACF relationship fields are supported, specifically the Post Object?

    • Ross

      I haven’t been testing with relationship fields (although will be doing soon) so can’t quite comment.

      There have been a couple of support threads recently which suggest it is already posisble but nothing I can verify at the moment. I will be supporting these at some point though.


  12. Hi,

    Presale question
    Is it possible to display different search criteria based upon an initial selection? For example, I’m working on a product catalog and I would ideally like users be able to hit a radio button (ex. “Chain Link”) and then have the applicable search criteria for that category show up so that the search list doesn’t get too unwieldy?

    Thank you.

  13. sara

    Good Morning! I´m really interest on buy your plugin but I have one question. If I buy the one time license for 20$ and I like the plugin and want to upgrade to the developer license can I make an upgrade or I have to pay for the whole price of 75$?

    Thank you
    Regards Sara

    • Ross

      Nope we have upgrade paths available via your account – so the cost should be deducted from the developer license 🙂

  14. Maxime


    I Have a pre-purchase question :

    It is possible to make a range select from taxonomi (not meta) ?


    • Ross

      I’m afraid not – I was against this idea for some time however I have been thinking about it more and more recently – it looks like something I may implement in the future.


      • Maxime

        Thanks for your quick anwser.

        You sould implement 😉

        Could you tell me if there is a way to convert Taxonomi to Meta ?

        Thanks !

        • Ross

          Theres nothing I’ve tried personally but a quick google search shows there are some possibilities

  15. Anshul G

    Hello Ross,
    I m using this plugin, and set up a real state site. but there is a problem with range checkbox field. I like to set up property price filters like property range in between $1000 to $2000, $2000 to $3000 and $3000 to $4000 . But there is a issue with range checkbox field. Range checkbox field is not working and not search or filter any property. please help me how to configure like that feature in my site.

      • Jochen Schmidt

        Hehe, sorry! Answered while reading the last post… Anyway, it was
        Nadine Gilden’s Hi, i purchased a single license and would like to upgrade to the developers license. Do you offer that yet?


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